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Aftercare for Tattoos

1. Carefully remove your bandage after 40-60 minutes. Wash your hands first, then wash the tattoo with antibacterial soap or Dr. Bronners soap. Massage for 1 minute.

2. Rinse, using clean paper towels to blot excess. Don’t worry, the color you are seeing coming out is a remnant from the procedure, not from your tattoo.

3. With clean hands, apply Cocoa or Shea Butter in a thin layer to the tattoo. Rub into the tattoo until it is almost gone. In this case, less is more. Apply thin coats 2-3 times per day with a wash before each application.

4. 20 minutes after each application, use a clean paper towel to gently wipe off all excess product and plasma from the tattoo. Leave the tattoo alone until the next cleaning and application.

5. On average, tattoos take 4-12 days to heal, depending on certain medical conditions. Typically after 4-5 days your tattoo will begin to peel. It will look like a visible scab which is Normal. Continue applying product until fully healed.

6. Once the tattoo has begun to heal completely, take care of your tattoo with in scented lotion of choice. Within 2 weeks of being healed you ma enter pools/ tubs. Stay out of direct sunlight, for this damages the healing skin.

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Body Piercing Aftercare. In skin

1. Go to a store like Walgreens or Walmart. Buy either liquid Dial (gold) or an anti microbial soap like Hibiclens.
2.Only clean your piercing once daily, last thing in the shower before you step out. Do not clean it at your sink or in the bathtub.

lather one small drop of the recommended soap on your finger tips and then completely clean the crusty stuff off of the jewelry and rinse.

3. lather up a small drop of the recommended soap again on your finger tips. Rub the soap on the jewelry and then move the jewelry back and forth 2-3 times only.

4. Rinse again but this time move the jewelry back and forth until soap is completely rinsed away.

you are now done for the day.

Do Not touch or play with the jewelry or skin around it and Do not under any circumstance use a Q-Tip or anything other than your finger tips and the soap to clean your piercing as this will most likely cause an infection.

Redness and clear fluids are a normal part of the healing process and will go away as the piercing heals. Purple streaks and smelly puss are not. They are signs of an infection and should be addressed. 
Your piercing will take about 2 months to heal and should not have the jewelry switched until then.

Contact Jay for questions about your piercing.

Oral Piercing Aftercare

Morning and night when you brush your teeth is when you will clean your piercing

1.Brush teeth, use a q tip with a couple of drops of peroxide to clean around top and bottom of the bar

2.Move bar up and down 2-3 times then rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash 

3.Tighten jewelry by holding top ball still and turning bottom to the right.

 Use ibuprofen for swelling and avoid hot foods and liquids for 2 weeks.

Jewelry can be changed after 2 weeks to a shorter bar.

Contact Jay for any questions about your piercing.

Artist Contact info

Ryan Clement 



Jay Newskool




Brandi Thompkins



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